

Virtual Instrument Resources

I've just started finding cyber-hot-spots to get virtual instrument sounds that I can control with a midi sampler (I like Qtractor and Muse so far). So far it seems there are two key ways I can produce sound from my computer sound card: digital synthesizer and recorded samples. There are two classes of sample formats I've seen that I can play with a few different software. SoundFonts (.sf2) are usually downloaded as an archive (compressed to .sf2ARK) and can be decompressed with the SFARK utility (sfarkxtc). I like using Qsynth (by Rui Nuno Capela) to play these samples. GIG or Gigaedit (.gig) files are also available and I have been able to play them best with Jsampler, however, I have noticed some playback trouble on my desktop when trying to control Jsampler with Qtractor and record to Ardour. I wonder if I can figure out how to use Qsampler would it sync better with Qtractor? Jsampler runs with Java, whereas Qsampler and Qtractor (both by Rui Nuno Capela) run on top of Qt.

For a nice library of SoundFonts check out

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