

RPM Challenge

The Wire Magazine from Portsmouth, NH has held an annual "open challenge" to musicians all over the world (over 2000 participants this year) to motivate the recording of 10 new tracks or 35 min. of music. I have a friend who has participated for a number of years and was finally motivated myself, having been enabled by several flexibile/portable iPod Touch apps I recently acquired. My nOe rpm challenge page is It was cool to see that the fine people at The Wire used xspf as their flash media playlist component like the one on my blog (look more lefter). They also use audio-player for individual tracks on the owners back-pages so songs can be reviewed individually (I'm using that too for embedding into my blog posts). Here also is the collection from i

Overall, I am happy that I was able to participate, even if the final product is a bit sloppy and brief for my liking... At least I learned a lot about what I can now do myself to make music, something I was previously incapable of. I have a long way to go, but I will be tracking progress here along the way.

Some future plans include:
- cutting a more polished nOe album from many of the ideas in i (which I think of more as a musical notebook).
- record some Betsy and Murgatroid tracks with Elia
- sell my Honda Shadow to buy an improved recording studio set-up (research still to do)

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